Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Welcome to 2nd Quarter!

At the beginning of October, our Advisory program turned it's focus to the word Compassion.  We have been working hard to create bullying Public Service Announcements in Advisory and later this week a winning Advisory group will be selected to travel to the Lower School.  During this visit, they will share their PSA, and a couple runner-ups, with the 5th grade students in recognition of Bullying Prevention Month. 

Another shift for our Advisory program begins today.  Instead of competing for a pizza party this quarter, each Advisory will select a charity to play for.  School-wide we are collecting spare change for the entire quarter.  As we near our Winter Break, the Advisory with the most points earned through our weekly contests will be able to donate all the funds raised to the charity of their choice.  If you happen to come in to school anytime this quarter, please consider donating the change in your pocket to our cause!

Mrs. Kobolt has been invited into some of the Advisory classes to present a lesson regarding conflict resolution.  The focus is on helping students determine assertive ways to respond to conflict.  Students discuss passive, aggressive, and passive-aggressive responses and the potential problems associated with approaching conflict in such a manner.  Assertiveness is presented as a respectful approach, that allows the student to voice their concerns and take into consideration the perspective of the other person as well.  Students are practicing these responses through role plays and discussion.

Wellness classes have been in on the act as well!  Step Up continues for the 6th grade girls this month.  At the conclusion of their program, Mrs. Kobolt will begin working with the 6th grade boys.  The last two weeks, the 7th and 8th grade participated in small group conversations with Mrs. Kobolt about bullying, gossiping, stereotyping, stress and peer pressure.  The students shared with Mrs. Kobolt their concerns and frustrations with these common middle school challenges and indicated an interest in continuing with Wellness lessons in the small group format for the remainder of the year.  To see a more detailed summary of the 16 small group conversations that occurred with Mrs. Kobolt, click here.  (Note: the language in this document is reflective of the words the students used.)

Lastly I wanted to share with you some updated photos of the brick wall posters.  Our 8th graders have clearly been busy finding Scholarship, Compassion and Integrity in the 6th and 7th grade students.  The bricks are almost all down!

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