Friday, April 24, 2015

Spring Finals Preparation

This week in advisory groups have begun to discuss upcoming finals.  We have used two documents to help our students prepare for these exams.

First, is a document created by our current 7th graders.  In January, following their first set of finals, Mrs. Kobolt talked with 7th grade about their preparation for the winter exams: what worked, what didn't, how they planned to prepare for the tests this spring, etc.  All of these thoughts were collected in this document: Class of 2020 Finals Reflection.  Advisors showed and discussed this document this week with their students.

Secondly, as we have in the past, we provided students with a study planning guide to support them in their preparations for finals.  You can find a link to that guide here: Finals Planner

Busy spring schedules and final exams can leave some students feeling run down and stressed.  This time of year we can support our students by ensuring they are getting plenty of sleep, eating a balanced diet, finding some down time, and being thoughtful about how they spend their time.  If your child needs further strategies, here are some tried and true ideas:

  1. Positive Self-Talk:  "I can do this!"  "I am prepared"  "I have a plan to be ready"  "I've made it through tough times before"
  2. Visualization - Imagine yourself being successful
  3. Muscle relaxation - starting with your face, consciously relax your muscles, move to the shoulders, down the arms, through the torso, and down the legs
  4. Deep breathing - practice slow belly breaths, hands on the stomach, feel the stomach fill with air as you inhale for 5 counts and then fill the air leave the stomach as you slowly exhale.  Repeat 3-5 times

Friday, April 17, 2015

April Wellness Lessons Wrap Up

Each week when I begin to write a new entry in this blog I get very excited to share all the things happening in our middle school world with you, and this week is no exception!  

On Monday the 6th grade students gathered for Wellness.  As shared in the presentation link last week, we discussed what constitutes Passive, Aggressive and Assertive behaviors.  The students did an EXCELLENT job engaging in the lesson and taking it seriously.  I was really impressed!  The lesson was largely an active one for the 6th graders.  They worked with a partner to talk through some tough situations, and what it would like to responding passively, aggressively and assertively.  We also acted these scenarios out, which lead to laughter and conversation regarding what would be most helpful in each instance.  Below is an example of the scenario sheet students worked to complete.

Tuesday the 8th grader students used their advisory time to meet with Mrs. Lamb, our Upper School Counselor, and a panel of seniors to talk about the US experience.  Students heard how Advisory is different next year, the importance of getting to know their teachers, mistakes the seniors made their freshman year, and about balancing academics and extra curricular activities.  

8th grade students are meeting for Wellness lessons today with Keith from MOCSA.  Keith is the male speaker who presented at our parent presentation a few weeks ago.  The lesson began by talking about boundaries.  Students talked about personal space, not liking if someone touches their phone without asking, etc. which lead to a discussion about how important boundaries are in all relationships.  Boundaries help us feel safe.  Next the discussion moved to the concept of consent.  It was discussed that you need consent to do anything in a relationship.  You need consent to be in the relationship, to go to the movies with someone, to visit someone's home, and for any physical contact with someone else.  This was demonstrated through the idea of the "magic pen."  If you are looking for a follow up conversation with your child at home, consider asking them about the "magic pen" portion of the lesson.  The following things were the take-aways from the magic pen:
  • You can not forcefully take something from someone, someone should not forcefully take anything from you
  • You should not manipulate people into giving you something, no one should be manipulating you to give them something/do something
  • You might share something with someone one day, but that does not mean you need to the next - and you should not expect that someone will share something with you again
  • Blackmail is unacceptable
  • You can give someone something and then change your mind and ask for it back
  • All of the above when put into the context of consent within a relationship are indicators as to the health of the relationships
From there students discussed healthy and unhealthy relationships and talked through some example scenarios.  Keith encouraged students to look for the warning signs.  When warning signs are apparent students were asked:  Would you break up with this person?  Would you talk to a parent about it?  Would you help a friend in an unhealthy relationship?  Again, these are great points to discuss with your child at home.  Let them know that they can talk with you when something feels unsafe or unhealthy in a relationship.  The handouts the students received also list the crisis line for MOCSA.

I hope to be done meeting with each 5th grade student by next Friday.  5th grade students will learn who their middle school advisor is on May 15 :)

Friday, April 10, 2015

Helping our community and ourselves

What an incredible week it's been!  It's been so packed with great things that I was convinced yesterday was Friday when I got home!

On Monday many advisories got to work getting materials ready for Harvesters and the United States Postal Service to deliver to families around the metro at the beginning of May.  The program called, "Stamp Out Hunger" makes it easy for people in our community to donate food to Harvesters by leaving a bag of groceries at their mailbox on May 9th.  Who knows, maybe you'll get some materials in your mailbox that were prepared by one of our students!

Tuesday afternoon I had the opportunity to talk with 7th grade students in Wellness lessons about peer pressure.  To get us started students were divided into groups and asked to create a secret handshake and password for their group only.  From there one group was asked to break up and try to join the other groups.  Each of the other groups had instructions as to how they would respond to those trying to join.  Some groups were allowed to accept new members, others were not.  Students completed a reflection sheet following the activity (example included below) and we used that to discuss the innate need to belong and how that can make responding to peer pressure so tricky.  From there students listed on the back of their reflection sheet ways that they or a friend of theirs has experienced peer pressure in middle school.  I have also included some photos of those responses below.  Given that several students included drugs and alcohol in their peer pressure list, we have extended our substance abuse speaker scheduled to talk with the 8th grade in May to also talk with our 7th graders.  The lesson wrapped up with role playing out how to respond to the situations the students had listed on their papers.  We analyzed the responses that students gave for effectiveness.  It was also discussed how it is much easier to give the "right answers" in a classroom setting and so much more challenging in real social situations.  The students were encouraged to think through these possible scenarios now and plan their response so they are armed with tools should they be needed.  The strategies used by students in the role plays included:
  • "The Broken Record" - repeating your "No" over and over again
  • Stating a reason why you aren't going to do what you are being asked to do
  • Encouraging the other person to make a better choice
  • Telling a little fib (I have to pick up my sister)
  • Leaving the situation
  • Distraction - changing the subject, or as one of our natural entertainers acted out, pretending to fall!

Thursday afternoon ended on a very high note!  We were able to honor Haley and her family and send them off on their trip in style.  It was a good feeling being able to recognize all the students who worked to fulfill Haley's wish and to be able to present the Make-A-Wish Foundation with one of those fun big checks! We saw our core values at work and the impact it had on young girl firsthand.  I believe the events of the afternoon will be covered in an upcoming Horizons magazine edition and parent newsletter.  

Looking ahead to next week, 6th and 8th grade will meet for Wellness lessons and the 8th graders will meet Kathy Lamb, our Upper School Counselor during Advisory on Tuesday.  I will continue visiting with 5th grade students in the afternoons as well!  I have included below the plans for the 6th and 8th grade Wellness lessons.

6th Grade - Passive, Aggressive and Assertive Behaviors
On Monday morning 6th grade students will meet for Wellness during their PE classes.  We will define passive, aggressive and assertive Behaviors and discuss reasons why someone might respond or behave in each manner.  You can see the definitions I will be using here: Definitions.  After we have defined these behaviors, students will work in pairs to talk about fictional situations and determine what a passive, aggressive and assertive response would be to each of the situations.  We'll then have some of the pairs act out their responses in front of the class and discuss their effectiveness.  The goal of the lesson is to equip students with the skills needed to be assertive in common social situations, thus leading to strong refusal skills in peer pressure types of situations.  I will share examples from the lesson with you next week as I have done with the 7th grade today.

8th Grade - Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships presented by MOCSA
On Friday, experts from the Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault will be speaking with our 8th grade students in their PE classes.
Description from MOCSA: Students learn the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships by taking a closer look at personal relationships.  Discussion focuses on communication, respect and personal boundaries.  Students will receive the following handouts:

Friday, April 3, 2015

Spring Events Are Under Way!

Spring is here!  A mix of sunny days and rainy days, and sandal-wearing, jacket-free students in the halls.  With that, of course, comes a flurry of end of the school year activities and ready or not, it's time for those to begin!  Here is what is on the agenda next week in the middle school:

On Monday each advisory will be a part of helping Harvesters to prepare for their annual "Stamp Out Hunger" campaign.  Click here to watch a video about this wonderful initiative and check next week's blog to see how Pembroke Hill students are involved!

Tuesday will be busy as well!  Our 5th grade students will visit that morning to get an inside look at the workings of the middle school.  Student tour guides will show them the ropes!  We can't wait to have the 5th graders in the building!  Additionally 7th grade students will meet for Wellness.  The topic will be responding to peer pressure.  The lesson will begin with an interactive activity called "Acceptance and Rejection" In this activity students are assigned to fake "cliques" and given some instructions to carry out about how their clique operates.  This will be followed by a discussion about our natural desire to feel a sense of belonging and how that can make peer pressure a challenging force to respond to.  Students will work together to create a list of areas in which middle school students experience peer pressure.  We'll examine the list and discuss ideas to respond to each scenario.  Students will practice these responses using role plays.  In next week's blog I will share with you the scenarios the students list as where they experience peer pressure and the strategies that were taught. 6th and 8th grade students will meet for Wellness the week of April 13.  6th grade will focus on assertiveness skills and 8th graders will hear MOCSA's middle school Healthy Relationships program from the staff at MOCSA.  Details will be in my next blog entry.

Wednesday afternoon I will be on the Wornall campus again to talk with the 5th grade students individually.  I have started meeting with students in this manner already the last few days.  I really enjoy getting to know the students in this way.  It is much more difficult to get to know them if I wait until the school year begins and they are busy adjusting to a new school!  We talk about what they like to do, their favorite subjects in school, challenges they face at school and they have an opportunity to ask questions about middle school privately.  I use this information to do my best to match them with their middle school advisor.

Thursday will be a very exciting day for us!  Haley and her family will be at Pembroke Hill so we can celebrate her upcoming trip to swim with the dolphins.  We will present the Make-A-Wish Foundation with our money raised, present Haley and her sister with a surprise, enjoy a musical performance from the middle school band, have a relay race and share cookies and lemonade together.

The week will end with the Spring Fling dances after school on Friday.  The parents association is generously offering this event for our students and should prove to be a very fun afternoon/evening of dancing and fun --- I hear there will be a velcro wall :)