Friday, February 28, 2014

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Oh my!  It's been awhile since I've added to the blog!  I've been working with the students and staff in so many great ways lately, let me update you!

5th grade
Approaching Spring Break means getting to know the 5th grade students who will be joining our middle school soon.  I've had the pleasure of talking with staff at Lower School regarding this amazing group of kids coming our way!  I will be visiting the 5th grade group in March to talk about friendships and conflicts.  I am looking forward to talking with them about this issue that is so central to their lives and getting to show them a little bit of what I do in the middle school.

6th grade
Together with our Learning Specialist, Susan Tuncten, I have been working with the 6th grade teachers to develop "mini-lessons" in the Plus Period time for students needing a boost.  We have met with students regarding test taking skills, how to ask for help, how to manage your time, what to do when you are absent, keeping your locker clean and more!  Click here to see a Test Taking Tips document created by some 6th grade students working to improve their test taking skills.

7th grade
I'm very excited to have the chance to talk with the 7th grade next week during the Career Kaleidoscope day.  I'll be meeting with all students at the end of their sessions to recap the day and talk about "The 4 Cs of 21st Century Skills" which are: critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity.  We will talk about how those are skills they are learning now and how that prepares them for success later.

8th grade
Last Friday I spent a portion of the day participating in East Asia Day activities.  Together we learned Feng Shui, how to use chopsticks, the art of Ikebana floral arrangements and how to write "horse" in Chinese calligraphy!  Such a fun day!

Earlier this week I had the chance to attend the annual KCPT Technology Conference.  I learned about so many great resources for bullying, college and career readiness, technology in the classroom and diversity awareness.  Now that I've had a couple days to get my head to stop spinning with possibilities, it's time to do some planning to bring in all this new learning I've experienced here to Pembroke Hill.  Better get to work!  Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

National School Counseling Week

The first week in February each year is a chance to recognize school counselors through National School Counseling Week and each year I find myself feeling ever more grateful to have found a career I enjoy so thoroughly.  

One of the things I look forward to the most is helping students discover who they are, both for a healthy self-awareness and in the hopes that they will spend their future days working in a field that fulfills them in the same way I feel fulfilled in mine.  Recently I have had some opportunities to be a part of this self-discovery on a large scale with students.  I am preparing an end of day summary session for the 7th grade to participate in following Career Kaleidoscope on March 7th.  While their professional lives are still some time away, this is often the time in a student's academic career they begin to question "Why do I have to do this?"  Being able to connect the learning experiences our students have now with their future endeavors is increasingly important as they near graduation and career exploration activities provide a new lens with which to have these discussions.  

At the end of January I was able to sit down to talk with the college counselors about ways I can help support the transition to the high school.  This past Monday, one of the ideas from that conversation was put into action in 8th grade math classes.  To help 8th grade students prepare for their upcoming Professional Day, we created portfolios in Missouri Connections ( and took one of the interest inventories to see which careers fit with activities we enjoy doing.  Students discussed how this website is a tool to get them started on their own personal career development journey and interests change over time.  We hope some students who were unsure who to shadow on Professional Day have some new insight as to how to approach this opportunity.  If your student missed this activity, make-ups will be held this coming Wednesday during Advisory.  Ask your 8th grader about his/her Missouri Connections profile and results.  If you would like to follow up with me regarding this program, please let me know!

I'll leave you this week with a link to the Senate bill officially recognizing National School Counseling Week and a sincere "Thank You" for welcoming me so warmly to Pembroke Hill this year!